![]() 03/07/2017 at 17:11 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Do we men react differently to someone we deem an idiot if they are a woman? Fair question.
Here is a story from the New York Times that discusses this topic.
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Every woman has to swim up a river of bullshit to become successful. Where that bullshit originates varies from woman to woman.
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I’d like to think my derision of Kellyanne “Beavis” Conway is exactly equal to Ben Carson, Sean Spicer, Jefferson Beauregard Davis Sessions, or anyone else in Trump’s Clown car.
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I have no love for Kellyanne or her boss (or the Clintons, for that matter), but good on Chelsea for sticking up for her against Rep. Richmond.
It’s just sad that this is the level of political discourse we have now. I know that it’s been bad in the past, and it will probably be bad in the future, but it sure would be nice if we could debate political differences and criticize those we disagree with based on their words and actions, without stooping to ad hominem attacks.
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is it because men are the worst?
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Is it really misogyny if the same people make fun of Trump’s tiny hands and Cheetos complexion, Steve Bannon looking like death, Stephen Miller’s hairline and inability to fully raise his eyelids, and Sean Spicer looking like Melissa McCarthy?
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I think she’s a terrible person, and I’m happy for the media to attack her for that, but I’m also irritated beyond belief by the general sexist shittiness of the sorts of critical comments Jezebel and similar sites have been making. And the amazing thing is that they actually doubled-down on that after the Times article.
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I’m going to go with a “yes,” because I grew up with Star Wars, so I realize that Bannon’s remarkably comic book ugliness can only result from being a very, very awful person.
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I try not to, being a dickhead knows no gender. That said, I don’t shy away from gender-based insults mainly because I don’t exclusively apply them to their specific gender...I’ll call a man a cunt or a woman a dickhead. Incidentally, call a woman a dickhead when you’re mad, they won’t know how to handle it.
![]() 03/07/2017 at 17:43 |
A reasonable person could conclude that you are ignoring the misogyny.
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SNL has been on a roll lately. It’s not a ban on “Moose” “Lambs”.
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If that’s true and accurate, then that’s fine. For my part, I have to check myself regularly.
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The bullshit is misogyny.
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Agreed. I believe that Messrs. Trump and Bannon have taken us far down the toilet hole.
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Back in the 2008 post mortem of the election, an exit poll conducted said that Sarah Palin was a bigger drag on the ticket than GWB. Like...yeah, Palin was a dolt, but she didn’t preside over a disintegrating economy and rack up the deficit fighting wars and totally not at all catching OBL. Here in the future its still hard for me to wrap my head around that.
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No, it’s because men are in charge and feel threatened, or are inculcated as if they are, perhaps without realizing it.
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No, it is not, because however dishonestly or inappropriately a person acts, there is a special layer of meanness that has only to do with them being female. Or if they’re
female, they’re referred to as female.
![]() 03/07/2017 at 17:53 |
i hate when deez people say i have to be a “politikaly corect”. Trump is president now! We can say Merry Christmas and call women B****es Again! Praise God and Jesus!
Ridiculous, but not that far off what a Trump supporting coworker once said here.
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I like to think I am an equal opportunity kinda person when dealing with idiots. If you say something stupid, I will mock you for it. If I say something stupid, I expect mocking at my expense.
Really though, the article is describing attacks on women that men don’t deal with while your question refers to someone saying something or acting stupid. Two separate topics.
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If Jez is being misogynistic, then they’re two-faced.
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Yeah, they haven’t helped, but there have always been some in the political sphere with this kind of venom and vitriol. What’s different is that, this time, they’ve managed to con their way into the top office.
I’m sure Marco Rubio will forever regret stooping to his level...
![]() 03/07/2017 at 17:56 |
I would suggest that you most decidedly don’t get it.
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Sarah Palin strikes me as being a lot like Donald Trump in some respects, though Palin would be much more qualified to serve in Washington than DT. I think “dolt” and other terms are wholly appropriate, but we need to make sure we are not being feminasty.
![]() 03/07/2017 at 18:00 |
Yea, the general idea has always been that women are smarter, albeit they dont get the credit when/where its due(that’s a whole other topic).
I for one, think my future spouse is the smarter half, not that I feel I’m not as smart, I just know she’s smarter. It’s especially funny cause we’re in the process of premarital counseling and the readings we’ve been studying allude to the superiority of women in terms of their maturity, and self control. And at almost 30 years old, my experience confirms this is some way or another. Then there are just some parts we both agree are way out of date.
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Separate symptoms of the same problem is how I’d describe it.
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Especially Clarkson.
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I try to hate all stupid people equally.
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Interesting comment about Rubio, though in the aftermath, he sounds so
grown up
that I think he will be forgiven. That entire primary race was a tire fire.
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Yeah, pretty much. It’s the
hating that is the problem.
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Do you know me.
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Yeah, most wouldn’t fault him for trying to do anything in his power to keep Trump from getting the nomination.
Did you watch the McCain/Graham town hall? It’s worth your time.
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I get where you’re going with this. I make it my policy to try and be respectful of people regardless of the opinions they have and who they voted for. I’ve got friends and family with all sorts of views and while I may hate, for example, that a couple of my good friends have turned into AR-toting gun nuts, or that my in-laws voted for Trump because of a desire for an anti-abortion supreme court, I still treat them with respect.
I can’t say I’m particularly inclined to make a bunch of personal attacks on politicians, but they’re the ones who are pushing the ideas with which I fundamentally disagree and trying to make them into laws. And some of them are just terrible . Are they bad, evil people? Not necessarily, but they’re actively trying to do things that I think are bad for the country and sometimes it’s satisfying to see them needled.
BTW the thing with portraying Trump admin people with female actors was supposed to be a one-off with Spicer, but when word got out that Trump hated that, SNL went with more women to portray men just to get at him further.
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I’m basically a professional at not getting it, so that’s not the least bit shocking.
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Probably not.
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Thanks for the tip.
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Would be interested to hear your thoughts after you watch it all.
I’m very thankful we have representatives like these two men who are willing to speak truth to power, and put their country and its citizens (and those who desire to be citizens) first, regardless of any party affiliation.
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They are not a feminist site, nor do they claim to be.
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Implicit bias testing points to yes. Some more than others.
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I do not suggest that they are
. I assume that they are pro-woman. To my way of thinking, those two things are not the same.
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Specifically, I’ve never understood why Kellyanne Conjob is the way she is. I’ve heard her explain that she was burned is some regard by the Dems, of which she used to be one, and was so disappointed that she went all the way to the hard right. She is to me the “Forever Scorned Woman.”
Sarah Palin and others of this era and the likes of her are just as week and lacking in real conviction, honesty and reality as their male counterparts.
Do we just just expect better or more from women in genneral? Yes and we should!
![]() 03/07/2017 at 19:28 |
You will, soon enough.
![]() 03/07/2017 at 20:29 |
I think there are two sides to this coin. Men who are harder on female idiots than male idiots, and men who pull their figurative punches when it comes to female idiots because they don’t want to be seen as misogynistic, which only further perpetuates the problem.
TLDR: You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
![]() 03/07/2017 at 20:42 |
Not calling a woman a bee-eye is not pulling a punch, is what I would say. I mean, the things Mrs. Conway has said have shown her to be pretty smalltime as an actor on the stage she’s on. I’d
to be a woman in that all-male club.
![]() 03/07/2017 at 21:50 |
Oh sure. I was just speaking generally, not trying to reference anyone or anything specific.
![]() 03/07/2017 at 22:15 |
There actually is some research on the subject - turns out blond females are better sales folks to basically all target groups. Honestly - I’m jealous, I will never be as effective as a blond female regardless how much time and effort I put into it. But don’t forget the trumpster knows this as well - thus Ms. Conway. He ain’t no dummy.
![]() 03/08/2017 at 01:20 |
Y’know, slightly beside your point, but I’ve seen the argument that calling somebody a “pussy” is demeaning toward women. I’ve always puzzled that one, because it’s not like being called a “dick” is any better. Both prey upon the negative expectations/stereotypes society has historically affiliated with femininity and masculinity, respectively.
![]() 03/08/2017 at 06:27 |
Yeah, I’ve heard the same. But nobody cares when you call somebody a dick...there was a post on here a while ago of a guy calling a woman a cunt, and somebody told them to knock it off with the gender based insults. Except if it was a dude and they called him a dick, people would just laugh. I don’t know if it’s just men white knighting or what, but there’s definitely a disconnect there.
![]() 03/08/2017 at 09:55 |
Oh I definitely hate trump more than Conway.
![]() 03/08/2017 at 09:55 |
O I definitely hate trump more than Conway.
![]() 03/08/2017 at 12:38 |
Sarah Palin lost McCain my vote. Had more to do with their pivot to the Christian right than anything though.